If you are waiting to get mobilized for NYSC (National Youth Service Corps), you are in the right place. This post contains all the information concerning mobilization procedures.
1. School clearance
The first step is your school clearance. Go to your institution and make sure you clear yoursel
2. Collection of statement of result
The essence of doing clearance is to be able to collect your result. After the school has cleared you, proceed to your school Academic Office immediately and collect your statement of result. NYSC must ask for it at the Orientation Camp.
3. Sign up for NYSC
After successfully collecting your
statement of result, proceed to Student Affair Directorate Office immediately
and collect mobilization form, fill in the form right there and submit it. Now
your business with that school has finished for the moment, you can actually
travel to any part of the country now and wait for NYSC mobilization to commence.
4. Verify your name on jamb matriculation list.
You must have to verify your name on the jamb matriculation list before you would be eligible to register for NYSC. Use your browser to verify your name or go to cafe and do it. You can actually do the verification before school clearance, during the clearance or after doing clearance.
5. Verify your name on the senate list
Your institution will paste mobilization
list/senate list at the Academic Office, they will also upload it on NYSC
portal https://portal.nysc.org.ng NYSC will upload the mobilization list or senate online via NYSC portal once
your school submitted the hard copies to them. If you check and your name is
not there, no need to panic, your name will appear once the hard copies is been
submitted or else write your school.
6. NYSC online registration
Once your name appears on NYSC senate list, you can proceed to registration. If your name is not there, keep checking until NYSC portal is closed for that stream. Some institutions submit hard copies to NYSC late do to reasons known to them. If your name does not reflect till NYSC registration close for that stream, contact your school.
Note; after a successful online registration, wait for your call up letter to be out, ensure you ask the person that registered you for when it will come out. It usually comes out few days to Orientation Camp.
7. Print your call up letter
Print your call up letter, the letter tells you your state of deployment, date to report, address of the Orientation Camp and other important information.
8. Get the required documents for camp registration.
Be ensured you have all the documents needed at the orientation camp. If anyone is left out, NYSC will automatically decamp you.